FRAG Token has 1% deflation and everything else thrown in
I’m a fan of deflation because it constricts supply to new buys. Those buyers could be traders or long term holders, only time will tell. That 1% deflation for FRAG is a tax on spenders, or weak hands. I’m a saver, so of course, I dig it.
FRAG has a great foundation
FRAG runs on Tron, and runs well. I see the activity on the TRX network and I’m amused at how many people called it scam. Why was Tron a scam in 2017/2018? “They copied the best features from many of the best cryptos”
I won’t fault a company for using open sourced tech to innovate further, I’ll invest. I got in TRX at ICO but more than my buy-in price, necessity keeps me invested in TRX. I use Tron a lot because it’s a solid network with unique investments, like FRAG. TRX has the perfect network for cheap & fast TX, like dapps need.
TRX has similar usecases to WAVES and also shares a similar issue in my mind. High supply, and inflation rate set by the community that receives those rewards. Like WAVES, the voters have recognized the need for self-restraint and kept inflation low, 0.5–2.0% depending on how you slice it.
Back 2 the FRAG
Where FRAG leads all other deflationary tokens, is dapps. They have little raffle, dividend compounders, games, & projection apps. 9 dapps on & their 10th might be my favorite. Favorites are determined by % gains. Hopefully, Tron Prime can live up to the FRAG box.
Tron Prime is a fund that you deposit TRX into and it diversifies across hourglass compounding funds. FRAG box is one of these hourglass funds that Tron Prime puts TRX into. An hourglass fund takes a % of all crytpto entering and leaving, like a POWH3d style dapp.
The dapp is just starting but already has 5 different investments vehicles & the ability to take a loan for 50–70% of your TRX without cashing out.
Now you don’t even need to leave to swap over 400 different cryptos. Here @
By: Satoshi Knotabolo
Title: What is FRAG Doing on Tron?
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 05:07:27 GMT
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